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Pets and cleaning supplies: a dangerous combination

They are the joy of the house, and kids love them: of course we are talking about pets.

Cute, fun, and affectionate, dogs and cats are a national passion. By the way, did you know that there are more pets than children in Brazilian households?

However, to keep the house organized with pets it is necessary to be careful, because many cleaning products are toxic and harmful to the health of our best friends.

To guide you on how to protect your pets from some chemical agents, Nutrire’s veterinarian, Luana Sartori, has put together some useful tips:

Avoid some cleaning products

Pets want to be in a clean environment, after all, who doesn’t love the smell of a clean house? However, Dr. Luana explains that some chemical agents are dangerous for pets.

“Cleaning products with a very strong scent can cause allergy reactions in dogs and cats, especially in pets with respiratory conditions, such as cats suffering from asthma. So, choose unscented cleaning products,” she recommends.

Some products are also corrosive and can cause burns in pets. Some examples are: boric, phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrochloric, and oxalic acids.

“Ammonia, sodium bisulfide, chlorine, sodium hydroxide, potassium, and triethanolamine are just some of the common ingredients in cleaning products which are extremely harmful to pets,” she adds.

Take the pets out of the area to be cleaned

Taking the pets out of the area before cleaning it is also important. That’s because pets are curious and might want to play with some products.

“Allow them to get back only when the floor is dry, because pets clean their paws constantly, which could cause the accidental ingestion of some liquid,” she explains.

In addition, sponges, cloths, and buckets must be placed away from the pets to avoid contamination or dangerous contact.

Prefer pet-safe or plant-based products

These products are made with plant-based raw materials, so they use ingredients which are less harmful to our friends’ health.

“Intoxications and allergies are not so common when using this type of ingredients, but it is important to be careful,” she says.

Pet-safe products, which are made especially for people who have pets, are also a great option.

Prevention is the best medicine

Prevention is essential in any situation that involves risks to a pet’s health. Besides the attention with the products, plants and other objects that are around the house, it is necessary to take the pet to the veterinarian regularly.

“Pets need to be examined for monitoring and diagnosing diseases. Prevention is a great way to extend your best friend’s life and promote its health and well-being.

“Don’t forget that providing them with high-quality food, encouraging them to play and spend energy, and keeping their vaccinations up to date are essential for having happy pets,” she advises.