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I'm going to travel. What to do with my cat?

The holidays are coming, and will you travel with the whole family? And how does the pussy, take along or leave it at home? These questions are not a simple answer, but check out some tips to ensure your kitten's well-being and ensure your peace of mind!

Can I leave my cat at home when I travel?

If you have someone you know who has responsibility and who likes cats, it is a good alternative because cats, unlike dogs, are usually more homely and have fixed routines. If you do not have someone responsible and you trust, there are already services of Pet Sitter, who are qualified people to take care of your kitten, but attention, always make sure the qualifications of these professionals.


Hotels are specific for pets. And hosting it in places like these will depend on the personality of your cat. If it is calmer and you are already accustomed to this type of situation, the place is your trust and with ample spaces, the hotel may be a good solution, it is important to know the places before leaving them to avoid greater problems. If your cat is more fearful, shy and has difficulties adapting, going to a hotel will be a very unpleasant and stressful experience which will be extremely detrimental to its health.

I'll need to travel with my cat. What to do?

In this case, some precautions will also be necessary so that your feline feels the least discomfort possible. Regardless of the type of transportation that will be used it is important that you have a transport box for cats. The ideal is that before traveling it already uses the box to get accustomed to the place it will stay during the trip, and at the time of transportation, it is indicated that it has some of its favorite toys to distract.

In the case of air travel, it is necessary to know the regulations of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and the Airline Company, in case of non-compliance with some of the regulations, boarding will not be permitted. Important to pay attention to the cat's food, it is recommended that it does not eat at least three hours before or during the trip, as it will need this time to do the digestion and not going to be sick during transportation.

Hosts are less common than dogs, so make sure they accept cats, and they may charge extra for the presence of the pet.

Remember! Above all there is the welfare of your pussy, that's most important, try to do your best to make your kitten have the least possible impact with these vacation periods. These tips can be adapted to each situation because each tutor knows his feline better than anyone else.

Have a good holiday for you and your partner.