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What’s the best collar for your pet?

Dogs love having fun, don’t they? Most of them go crazy when they hear the

magic words: Let’s go for a walk! However, some precautions are important so

that your pet has a safe and fun time.

Many owners complain and consider the pet’s collar one of the main problems

when walking the pet, however, it shouldn’t be like that, because with this

accessory you can make sure that your pet will not run away or get involved in

accidents while they are on the streets. First of all, you need to understand

that the dog wants to explore its environment, and that you will probably have

to deal with some leash pulling.

Another interesting point is choosing the best collar for your pet. It is worth

mentioning that some details, such as dog’s size, weight, behavior and

strength must be taken into account when deciding which product to use for

walking it. In addition, you need to keep in mind that you must keep your dog

under control, especially around people on the street.

Standard dog collars, used around the neck, are the most common. Although

they adapt to almost any dog breed, it will be necessary to watch out for ways

collars can potentially harm your dog, since leash pulling is very common while

walking. Another possibility is using a dog harness, an accessory which does

not usually cause discomfort during the walk and is widely accepted by most


You can talk over this choice with your pet’s veterinarian, who will analyze the

most appropriate option for your pet. Some tips, such as avoiding counterfeit

products and giving priority to quality, are essential. Regarding material, there

is no one-size-fit-all option, as the best choice depends on the pet. The most

important is keeping the dog safe and comfortable to walk.

Here’s a tip for cat lovers: just buy collars exclusively designed for cats. Many

pet owners think that products for dogs and cats are the same, but they are

not. Dog collars are heavier, larger and wider, among other differences.

Besides, never force your cat to walk on the street if it is not used to it or if it

does not want to.