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Pets can suffer from depression: find out the truth behind the myth

Our pets play a very important role in our lives, providing us with joy, companionship, and unwavering love. However, just like humans, pets can also go through emotionally challenging times.

The question a lot of pet owners ask themselves is: can pets suffer from depression?

We talked to Elis Regina Lusa, a veterinarian who also works as a technical analyst at Nutrire, to get to the heart of the matter and uncover the truth behind this myth.

The complexity of animal emotions

 Animals, with their complex nervous systems, can experience a wide range of emotions, such as joy or sorrow. While they may not understand the intricate concept of depression like we do, it does not mean their emotions are any less valid. Many pet owners have observed shifts in their pets’ behavior that may indicate emotional problems.

Signs of possible emotional distress:

Changes in appetite: A sudden loss of appetite or a significant increase in food consumption could be a sign of stress or depression in pets.

Social isolation: If pets that used to be sociable start to isolate socially and avoid interactions, it’s often a hint that they’re facing some emotional challenges.

Apathy: A lack of interest in playing, going for walks, or participating in activities they previously enjoyed might be a signal that they’re not feeling emotionally well.

Changes in sleep patterns: If your pet is sleeping more than usual or having trouble settling down, it may be facing emotional challenges.

Destructive behavior: Pets that start damaging objects, scratching furniture, or engaging in compulsive behaviors may be dealing with anxiety or stress. 

What could be causing the distress?

 Several situations can trigger an emotional response in pets:

Changes in routine: Significant changes in the environment, such as moving to a new home or the arrival of a new family member, may make them feel uncomfortable.

 Separation: Being away from their owner for an extended period may cause dogs to experience separation anxiety, and it might also make other pets feel sad.

Loss of a companion: The death of another pet or a close companion may have a deep emotional impact on pets.

Illness or pain: Pets suffering from chronic diseases or pain might show signs of sadness or apathy.

What to do in these cases?

 Dr. Elis emphasizes the importance of taking the pets to the veterinarian if you suspect that they are experiencing emotional challenges. “Veterinarians specialized in animal behavior can help identify the underlying causes and recommend appropriate treatments or therapies to help the pets feel better,” she says.

 The idea that pets can get depressed is not a complete myth. While it’s not entirely accurate to say pets undergo depression as humans do, they certainly can experience complex emotional states.

“Therefore, it’s vital to be alert to signs of potential emotional problems and seek professional help when needed, ensuring our beloved furry friends have an emotionally healthy quality of life,” the veterinarian concludes.

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