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Do not forget pets at the holidays!

We have reached the end of another year! The arrival of the month of December is highly anticipated by all. Parties and family reunited, home decorated, social gatherings, travel and much rush. But for everything to go well, we cannot forget our pets, who can take risks during this celebratory season.

One of the risks that our four-legged friends run is the fireworks. Animals have a sharper hearing than ours, and may exhibit behavioral disorders such as panic and agitation, which can result in accidents or escapes. To minimize problems, some precautionary measures can be taken, such as putting cotton in their ears to muffle noise, avoid fires that are close to pets, and keep close to the animal in a place where it feels safe and protected.

The menu of this phase of the year is usually stuffed with good things! Meats, pastas, drinks and chocolates. These foods harm our pets and can cause gastro-intestinal problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, perforations caused by bones and even pancreatitis, which is a serious illness. So do not feed the animals, avoid drink cups in easily accessible places and pack the garbage in a suitable place. Do not forget to warn the guests!!

The decorations and lights of the Christmas tree are very beautiful, but they can be confused with toys by animals, which can swallow bows, balls and accessories, besides the electric shock that is common in wires and lamps. Caring for puppies should be doubled. Simple alternatives such as placing the tree in a suitable place, fixing the wires on the walls, and olfactory repellent reduce the possibility of eventual problems.

If you are receiving visits at home, notice the attitude of your dog towards the guests. Some commands such as "NO", "STAY", "SIT", can be used to it behaves properly. If it is not a sociable animal, the best way is to separate it from other people or look for a hotel.

While organizing for the holiday season, do not forget the gifts and do not forget the four-legged friends. Following these tips are sure to be happy days with the family, with great joy, tranquility and no more scares.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a 2018 full of achievements to all!

Tadeu Richardson O. Silva is a Veterinary Doctor, graduated from Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), serves as Technical Manager at Nutrire Indústria de Alimentos - Poços de Caldas Unit - MG