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Why do some cats avoid drinking water?

Cats are notoriously independent creatures and can sometimes surprise us with their unique preferences and behaviors. A common concern for many cat owners is getting their kitties to drink enough water.

Hydration is essential for the health and well-being of cats as it helps maintain the proper functioning of their vital organs, promotes healthy skin, and is crucial for digestion. 

Why do some cats avoid drinking water? 

Some cats may be particularly sensitive to the smell or taste of tap water, the bowl, or even the bowl’s material. Also, recent lifestyle changes, stress, or health concerns can alter their drinking habits.

Help your cat stay hydrated with these tips:

Clean and fresh water bowls: Ensure your cat’s water is always fresh and clean. Cats are sensitive to smells and tastes, and a dirty bowl or stagnant water might put them off.

Strategic location: Place several water bowls in different parts of the house. Some cats prefer to drink away from their feeding areas, while others like water near their nap spots.

Whisker-friendly bowls: Opt for shallow, wide bowls instead of deep ones. Many cats don’t like their whiskers touching the sides of the bowl while drinking.

Water fountain: Sometimes, cats can’t resist running water. A cat water fountain could be the nudge they need, as the movement of the water can be intriguing and appealing.

Ice cubes: Placing a few ice cubes in the water bowl can add an element of play and interest, encouraging the cat to explore the bowl. However, remember not to do this in winter.

Different containers: Cats can be picky about everything – even the material of their bowls. Experiment with different kinds like glass, ceramic, or stainless steel. You might just discover your cat’s favorite!

Consult a veterinarian: If you’ve tried various tricks and your cat isn’t drinking water, it’s essential to check with a veterinarian to rule out underlying health issues, such as urinary tract infections, for example.

To sum up, ensuring your cat is well-hydrated is vital for maintaining their health. With some adjustments and trying different approaches, it’s possible to stimulate water consumption and ensure your cat is getting the proper hydration for a long and healthy life.

Comment below on how your cat’s hydration is going and what techniques you use to get your furry friend to drink more water.