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Routine examinations for dogs and cats

The beginning of each year is a good time to take the pets to the vet for

routine examinations. Preventing pets from developing certain diseases may

be difficult for many people, but they can do that, or even detect any

abnormalities, by taking their pets for vet examination. Yes, pets do need

complete check-ups so that their owners get a baseline of their health. Even

though medical examinations are very important, lots of pet owners do not

know which ones are essential for their dogs and cats. Some specific exams,

for example, must be performed frequently, and can help to answer some

questions. Here are the main examinations and the reasons to have them.


The routine check-up is one of the most important examinations, as it is able to

point out any issues in the body of the pet. It is performed in the veterinarian’s

office. The pet is physical examined, and the vet is able to

discard the

possibility of several diseases through that. Lumps, signs of cancer, skin

blemishes and even simple bruises can be seen. Therefore, the animal must

be taken to the vet regularly.

Blood test

This test is important to investigate what is happening in the pet’s body. It is

usually requested once a year in order to prevent diseases and track health

conditions, such as high cholesterol or tick-borne diseases. If a pet does not

show clear signs of being sick, some conditions may be identified through this


Urinalysis and fecal exam

The fecal exam helps a lot the identification of worms and a lack of essential

nutrients for pets. Urinalysis also helps to identify kidney problems and urinary

tract infections.

Eye exam

Just like the regular visits to the veterinarian, some specific examinations are

important once pets get to a certain age to ensure their eyes health. If there

aren’t any serious conditions, the check-up may involve only a focal light

source to examine your pet’s eyes. If necessary, your pet’s veterinarian can

indicate a specialist for further examination, in case of a more serious problem.

Oral exam

Oral exams should also be repeated periodically, especially after the pet gets

to a certain age. Senior dogs tend to have worn teeth, cavities, tartar and tooth

loss due to lack of calcium. These problems may even indicate malnutrition or

complications in the pet’s stomach, considering that chewing is the beginning

of digestion. If the pet does not chew food properly, it may have health

problems in the long run.

Tartar can also be the

root cause of


secondary diseases,

which can be avoided if the tartar plaque is removed, so

this exam is very important to our furry friends.

Rectal exam

This exam, which is performed in the anal region, can be quite uncomfortable

for the animal, but it is important. Mostly if the pet has pain or difficulty

eliminating, this exam can help with diagnosis and treatment. Tumors in the

anal region are common in elderly animals, and through this exam the vet is

able to

detect some conditions early and start the treatment as soon as


These are some basic exams which will help prevent

numerous common

diseases in dogs and cats, so regular visits to the vet are essential. Prevention

is the best option, because it improves the quality of life of pets and their

owners. Talk to a veterinarian you trust about these examinations, and perform

them annually.

Paulo Henrique Andriello Halas

Veterinarian graduated from the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo in 2003

Senior Salesperson for Nutrire Indústria de Alimentos Ltd.