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Vacations have arrived. Should I take or not take the mascot?

Thinking about traveling? Already have a date? And your pet, will go along with you? We know that they are part of our families. For us to have peace of mind when traveling is good to take some precautions, this will help in our tranquility. For this follows some important tips for the pet.


The first tip is of utmost importance. Always keep the pet identified, in case it is lost, it will make it easy for you to return, always keep it with pendants that contain the information with its name, the name of the guardian, contact telephones and if possible the address. Remember to set the information in a way that does not allow loss or loss of identification.


Before traveling, it is important to make sure that the vaccines, flea’s powder and deworming are up to date, in addition to being important for your pet will be important for those who have contact with it.

To assure and be prepared for the unforeseen it is necessary to prepare an emergency kit. If it usually takes continuous medications it is of the utmost importance that you do not forget to take them and preferably take a little more than the exact amount, after all, we never know if we will use more than necessary. If your friend is old, sick, pregnant or in heat, it is worth reflecting on the extent to which it is necessary to undergo it to the trip.


At the time of travel it is important to consider the welfare of your buddy, if you are traveling by plane it is important to know the rules of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), in addition to the standards of airlines, for small animals some companies areas already allow them, as long as they are in transport boxes and divide the cabin space with their tutor. A health certificate issued by a veterinarian is required for boarding.

If the chosen means of transportation is a car it is important to know its habits, since long journeys can be uncomfortable, causing discomfort. The stops so they can do the necessities and take water should be planned, after all we want them to enjoy the holidays too. In the car it is essential that it is attached, can be used transport box, chairs own for dogs or a belt adapter specific for them, in this option is ideal that it is pectoral and fit the size of the dog, so that in a brake it does not hit the front seat.

Where to stay?

Not all hotels accept pets. So check in advance if the locals accept our little friends and also how is allowed to use the place is one of the top tips. The ideal is to opt for pet friendly sites, as the friend is always welcome. But in the trips it is good to know other establishments in that also they can enter. See websites and apps for more information, especially nearby you will travel.

Remember that if you have someone you trust and have affinity with your pet you can also ask them to take care of it. But if the pet is too attached to you, do not stay away too long, it will keep you from getting sick.

And the bags?

Your little friend will need a suitcase as well. It may be small, but should contain the blanket, the toys, the food it is accustomed to, the pots of food and water. The bed, if possible, and even a hygiene kit, like the necessary used in the baths. If the trip is to cold places it is imperative to dress.

Vets during the holidays?

When you arrive at the place it is essential to look for a veterinarian so that in the event of an emergency it is possible to obtain specific treatment for your little friend. In holiday season and in unfamiliar locations, it will not be a very easy task to find some professional to do pet care. In the doubt see apps and website that offer the indication of possible clinics and professionals. However, it is not all the cities that have the register of their professionals. Stay tuned!

Folks! These tips are not the only ones. When it comes to our best friends, all care is little, so in addition to these tips it is always important to keep in mind that there is no one better than you to know your dog and know what it likes.

Oh, and do not forget! When walking with pets, be careful about the time of day, as the sidewalks are usually very hot, this can cause serious burns on our friends’ paws. Remembering that they do not wear shoes, so be aware of walking times and signs that the ground is very hot, some pets stop in the shadows and give up walking because of the high temperature on the ground. Be careful because in hot weather this can hurt them.