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10 fun facts about dogs and cats that you should know

Dogs and cats are life companions for a lot of people around the world. Besides being adorable, they also have unique traits that bring magic into our homes.

Yesterday was the World Animal Day (October 4). To celebrate it, let’s dive into 10 fascinating facts about dogs and cats that you might not be aware of.

1. Dogs have a strong sense of smell

Dogs have an incredibly sharp sense of smell. They can detect odors at concentrations as low as one part per trillion. This ability makes them superb sniffers in activities such as search and rescue or drug detection.

2. The healing vibrations of cat’s purrs

A cat’s purring is not just a sign of happiness. These vibrations also have therapeutic properties, and are believed to help reduce stress and even accelerate the healing of bones.

3. Dogs are great communicators

Dogs use a combination of facial expressions, body language, and sounds to communicate with us and with other dogs. They can convey emotions such as joy, fear, and anxiety through these signals.

4. Cats are excellent hunters

The ancestors of cats were agile hunters, and these skills are still evident in our domestic cats. Even if they have access to food, do not be surprised if they still chase bugs or toys.

5. Dogs are altruistic

Dogs have been known to demonstrate altruism. They can show empathy and help other animals or people in danger, often putting themselves at risk to do so.

6. Cats have an amazing sense of direction

Cats have an outstanding sense of direction and can find their way back home from long distances. Some cats have been known to travel hundreds of kilometers to reunite with their loved families.

7. Dalmatians are born without spots

Dalmatian puppies are born completely white. Their iconic spots only begin to develop a few weeks after birth.

8. Cats can see in the dark

Cats have exceptional night vision capabilities thanks to light-sensitive cells in their retina. This allows them to see in light levels six times lower than what humans need.

9. Dogs are good for mental health

Interacting with dogs can reduce stress and anxiety, as well as increase the production of oxytocin, the “love hormone.” Owning a dog also leads to more physical activity and socialization.

10. Cats have magical whiskers

A cat’s whiskers, or vibrissae, are extremely sensitive and can detect subtle changes in their environment. They use these whiskers to determine whether they can make their way through narrow openings, for example.

This is a tribute from Nutrire to all the animals for yesterday’s special day. Pets are truly amazing and enrich our lives in many ways. Next time you are with your furry friend, remember these fun facts and enjoy even more the wonders of having a dog or cat by your side.